St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church

A message from our Rector


This Week at St. Bart's 
January 15, 2019

A Message from the Reverend Andrew Dunks

In Case you Missed my Announcement...

We held our Annual Meeting last Sunday after the 10:30 service. We celebrated ending the year in the black financially, which came as a bit of a surprise. Thanks to all who gave so generously of their time and treasure to make this happen. We elected three new vestry members: Dylan Ferris, Charlie Phillips and Pat Morten. We also have a new Treasurer, as Lucy Ferris graciously volunteered to take over from Susan Ross, who has been our "temporary" treasurer for 13 years of sacrificial service. Thanks to both of these ladies. Jill Wood gave a Senior Warden's report which included an invitation to brainstorm together for future ministries.
And in my Rector's report, I announced my upcoming retirement from active ministry in the Episcopal Church. My last Sunday at St. Bartholomew's will be June 28th. That month will mark my 30th year as an Episcopal priest and my 8th year as your rector, and I believe that this is a fitting time to step down.
My decision is based solely on my profound sense that God is calling to do something new and "off the beaten path", and not with any dissatisfaction with the people of St. Bartholomew's, any sense of pastoral burnout, or any other sort of personal crisis. I cannot at this time give you many details of what I hope to do next, because there simply aren't many to give. My future ministry will probably involve teaching and spiritual formation, but there is no paid position for which I am applying. If you've read or even read about the book The Benedict Option, of which I've spoken much, you'll get a sense of the general direction I'm heading. I will pursue secular employment as I seek God's guidance for the next steps to take, though I would also consider a teaching or chaplaincy position if the right one came along. 
This congregation has been a blessing to me, as I hope that I have been a blessing to you. I will continue to serve diligently as your rector for the next six months, and will of course wish to keep up with the spiritual friendships begun with so many of you. Let us keep each other in thought and prayer as we begin this transition, and let us all look forward with hope to the good things the Lord has prepared for all of us.

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St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church

Mailing Address: PO Box 29626 ZIP 23242
10627 Patterson Ave.
Richmond, VA 23238
Church 804-740-2101