St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church




I find these words below to be very challenging, which probably means I need to pay more attention to them. How about you? Looking at the things you pray for/worry about right now, is it time to fight harder because "the battle belongs to the Lord", or time to "let go and let God"? 

All that we have comes down from the Father of Lights. We should not become impatient, wanting more than we are ready to receive, for the Lord knows what is best for us. He measures His giving, according to our need, sometimes delaying the things we've asked for.

When we give ourselves over to Christ, He nurtures us, just as a mother nurtures her child. When we humble ourselves before the Lord, He rewards us, and when we say with all our heart, "Glory to God", the Lord opens wide the doors to His Kingdom.

It is in our willingness to surrender our will, and all our life, that we receive victory over sin and death. It is in the moment of surrendering ourselves to the Lord, that true life begins, and we are made whole.

With love in Christ,
Abbot Tryphon


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St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church

Mailing Address: PO Box 29626 ZIP 23242
10627 Patterson Ave.
Richmond, VA 23238
Church 804-740-2101