St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church

8-19-20 A Message from The Reverend Chuck Alley


A Message from the Reverend Chuck Alley
Rev. Chuck Alley
Our semi-quarantine has been going on for five months, and there doesn't
seem to be a predictable end in sight. As we hunker down in our homes,
socially distance in public, and are generally wary of our neighbors due
to the threat of COVID, it is easy to get frustrated, if not give ourselves
over to despair. What can we do? It all seems so hopeless and the news
outlets through which we now see the world treat us to a steady diet
of bad news. We are called by God to go out into the world with
the Good News, but out of concern for our neighbors, as well as our
own health, we are physically constrained from doing so. There is,
however, another way. It is ancient and it is powerful. That way is
prayer. To help "prime the pump" for our prayers, I have listed two prayers for your use.
Lord Jesus, you are the Great Physician through who's cross and by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit we have eternal life. In this time of disease and isolation, be with our church and community bringing healing to those who are sick, relief to those who are distressed, and assurance to those who are alone. We pray for our leaders, that they might be given the wisdom to make right choices for the good of the people and the welfare of our country.
Gracious God, you created the world and human beings and declared them good without distinction between place and race. In these days of separation, injustice, hatred, and chaos, reunite all of us through the transforming power of your Love. Although this is our prayer for the whole human race, we know that the brokenness in our own hearts and the pain in the hearts of our neighbors must first be recognized and acted upon. Purge from us the leaven of difference that distorts our understanding of our neighbors. Fill us with the divine love that gives of itself, always thinks the best of our neighbors, and propels us to acts that will restore wholeness to humankind. Begin with me as I interact with all those whose paths intersect with mine today. Amen.

The Rev. Hugh James appointed Interim Rector
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St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church

Mailing Address: PO Box 29626 ZIP 23242
10627 Patterson Ave.
Richmond, VA 23238
Church 804-740-2101